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888 Form Explained

The Department requires statements from your friends and family about your relationship. The person that makes this statement must be an Australian permanent resident, or an Australian citizen and must attach evidence of this to their supplied Form 888s. A drivers licence unfortunately is not acceptable evidence, they need to include a copy of either their birth certificate or Australian passport.

Form 888s are one of the most frustrating documents that are needed for your partner visa application because they are one of the few required documents that are out of your hands. Family and friends don’t often place a high priority on getting this done for you.

The person filling out the Form 888s should write what they know about you and your partner and your relationship, it’s not necessary that they have met your partner. These forms do form a valuable element to the visa application process, as case officers value what other people have to say about you and your relationship. can fill in the 888 form.

Sometimes the best evidence you can supply is your parents saying what a great person your partner is, and how they are supportive of your relationship.

Your family and friends overseas do not have to use the Form 888 form, they can just make a statement and have this statement verified by a Justice of the Peace, or similar in their own country.

Form 888s are a very important component to the partner visa process and to find out more about these forms please contact me.